Thursday, November 17, 2011

Virallinen tulos 1-1

Nollat olis ollu tietty kivat :), mutta eipähän ole nivelrikkoa tahi muitakaan ällöjä muutoksia.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011


Nothing beats hypochondria! :) Alim was a bit off last week, it started with him not being his playful self and continued with some obvious moments of pain. My sense told me it was a strained neck muscle or something... but my vivid imagination visioned bone spurs in neck alternating with broken elbow and/or shoulder joints. So, off to the clinic we went to have his whole front xrayed. :D All xrays were neat & tidy, so after some euros later it was confirmed that it was just a strain. Alim is already back to his usual boisterous self. Farhat very much preferred him being a bit under the weather, tho. :D

Left shoulder

Right shoulder

Left elbow

Right elbow

Alim is rather a big boy (~83cm/33"), so it's nice to know that his joints in front are fine. Hips will be xrayed and evaluated when he's a bit older, but the elbow xrays above were sent to FKC for official evaluation. Results should come in a couple of weeks or so.