Bluespotted Oriental Shorthair Valkyria (Dama-Daman Valkyria, br. Marjo Olkkonen) and her black son Onni (Kiramet All Alone Lucky Boy). We have also had red- and lilacpointed Siamese boys Fransu & Valle plus "country cats" Sohvi & red tiger Kedi. Our current "country cat" is Sandis, a rescue who was trapped along with her kittens nearby a summer cottage area in 2001. All her kittens found good homes. Her adult daughter with her own kittens was trapped the following year, and all those found good homes as well.
More Kiramet cats
Batbaby... Valkyria... lepakkovauva
Pejk & Valkyria näyttelyssä - at shows
Rotta? No ei...
A rat? No, but...
... vaan sievä musta itämaisvauva Onni
...a pretty black Oriental baby Onni
Sandis & Valkyria
Anatolialaisen häntä on hyvä tyyny - Riva, yksi Sandiksen pennuista.
Bushy tailed Anatolians make good pillows - Riva, one of Sandis rehomed kittens.
Dessun sanottiin olevan kissantappaja, mutta parissa kuukaudessa se tottui meidän kissoihimme.
When Dessu was rescued, it was said that he was a cat killer - but it didn't take him long to get adjusted to ours.
Do you still have Riva? Love that color :) If I could have a kitty, I'd choose by color and mellow personality.
Onni! need more cute pics of him! :) Yes you should feature more pics now and then of your kitties!
No, we don't have Riva. He was one of the rescue kittens in 2001 and found a good home with a friend. He had a very special colouring - a blue base with a white question mark in the wrong way on his back. :)
We currently have Sandis, Valkkis & Onni. Need to take new pics...
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