Salli thinks this is boooooring...

Mutta tämä on näyttelyissä kivaa - painikavereita!
Salli's idea of a good show - wrestling with buddies!
ROP-pentu Tilliä (Tunna) oli kiva vähän viritellä ennen kehää.
BOB-puppy Tilli (Tunna) needed some tuning before the ring, Salli was more than happy to help.

Ahhh, maremmano-abruzzesepentu Brina - painikavereista parhain - aikaan tai paikkaan katsomatta.
Never miss a chance to have a good wrestle with the best of buddies - maremmano-abruzzese pup Brina.

Pienen hetken saattaa välillä onnistua seisomaan paikallaan.
It's a lucky shot - they both stand still for a second.

LOL on the tuning pics. Congratulations. Your pups all make it look like such fun! :)
Salli is more than eager to have fun with everything and everyone around - never a dull moment. :)
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