Saturday, October 04, 2008

Tähkis kasvaa

Ja heistäkin on tullu melkein kavereita - Kadim & Tähkä:
Janice likes pics of big dogs on the sofa, but - for a change - a big dog and a kitty on the sofa. :)

Old posting of big dogs


Semavi Lady said...

Thank you! Great pictures!

Gosh, Kadim is so BIG! That couch is still shrinking!

Naughty brat kat is so CUTE!

Thanks so much for sharing the pics.

Kiramet said...

>>>Naughty brat kat

You seem to know Tähkä in person... a broken vase, broken glass from a picture frame, etc... :)

Semavi Lady said...

Sometimes cuteness is the saving grace. ;)